
1923 Season 2 Trailer & New Scenes Revealed!

Yellowstone might be the biggest show of the 2020 so far as it attracts up to 20 million viewers with each episode having devoted fans worldwide.

That being said, as the universe of the Epic Saga expands, the original series is quite overshadowed by the success of the prequels. Both 1883 and 1923 prove that there are lots more stories in the Yellowstone Universe to tell, and fans are eating them up.

Even though 1883 was pretty successful in introducing the prequels and coming up with a brand new concept to the Dutton family history, 1923 has been the one that set the standard for what to expect from the Yellowstone prequels. It became an instant favorite with not only its unique story but also its unforgettable characters.

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Although we appreciated 1883 for what it is, 1923 has taken things to another level by making sure that people get obsessed over the story while having crushes on some of the characters. Naturally, while 1883 ended after a single season and became a cute little miniseries, 1923 continues with its second season and we cannot wait for it to be released already.

The bad news though: while we were hoping to see the show coming up with multiple seasons after season 2, it is confirmed that season 2 will be the last season of The Epic show. According to Brandon Scenar during a recent cast panel with the Hollywood Reporter, 1923 will end with season 2. Zanar, who portrayed Spencer Dutton on the show, responded to a question about the potential of his season 3, reiterating that the show is limited. “It’s still limited but I think of it as one piece. There’s just a split in the middle but it’s all one piece,” Scenar replied.

Now this is quite upsetting since we did not come a long way in season one of the show. The question about extending the series further is a fair one as 1923 was initially planned as a single season limited series, and only after its success did Taylor Sheridan decide to expand the Paramount hit with a second season.

Although Taylor Sheridan’s writing is undeniably good, it is also unbelievably slow in proceeding with the story. Can you believe that throughout the whole season, the only thing Spencer has managed to do was to get married and then get lost at sea? We know that eight episodes are not much in exploring a story; however, that’s the reason why we were upset in the first place. Why stick to eight episodes instead of having a couple more to have some developments in the story? Why insist on having only two seasons when there are a lot of questions to be answered?

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At this point, we are not sure how season 2 will manage to cover all the topics and have a proper ending to the story as it does not seem to have enough space for them all. In season 2, we have to see Spencer reaching Montana, somehow saving the Yellowstone Ranch from collapse, defeating Banner, and coming back together with Alexandra who is far away across the globe. This is for Spencer alone; we also have multiple other characters with their own storylines. For instance, what will happen to Tiona? How will her story merge with the Duttons? Well, we certainly do not have any answers for this, and to be honest, we can only find peace in trusting Sheridan and his brilliance.

As for what she hopes season 2 holds for a character, Helen Mirin, who plays Cara, joked in the aforementioned interview, “I’m sick of writing letters. Don’t expect any more letters from me.” Scenar added that he just loves to be back and on a horse and shooting a gun and would love to be a band of horse-riding cowboy and have scenes with Cara and Jacob. So, Spencer indeed reaches Montana and reunites with his family. Cara’s longing is finally over; now she can rely on her young powerful nephew. We believe their reunification will mark the first half of the new season, and we cannot wait to see them together.

In a previous interview, Scenar expressed that they are planning to release the new season around September 2024, which means there are only a few months left. Would you hope for 1923 to have more seasons? What are your expectations from 1923 season 2? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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