Why Demi Moore’s Character Is the Biggest Threat for ‘Landman’ Season 2
The show proved to be following a very controversial trend in its first season.
A Paramount+ drama show with Western vibes, Landman has just wrapped its first season up after the final episode premiered last week, and there are already several signs pointing at a potential announcement of another instalment. However, many fans are ready to drop the series if it doesn’t fix one huge problem.
Coming as a promising new project with a star-studded cast, Landman got big stars like Billy Bob Thornton and Demi Moore, though the viewers didn’t see the latter that much in there.
In most of the cases, Demi Moore’s rare appearance in the show, despite her being cast as one of the leads, was just an excuse for making Landman’s biggest issue clear for everyone who never got to notice — the show completely failed all of the female characters.
Upon the final episode’s release, fans took to social media, raging over the fact that the women in the series, well, have no real weight. One outraged Redditor nicknamed braumbles noted that “having Demi Moore and not doing one f—ing thing with her is astounding.”
The fan also pointed out that, now that Moore’s hit movie Substance is out, the actress will surely become way more relevant should Landman get another season, yet giving her character 5 lines throughout the run of 5-6 episodes was still the weirdest thing that the writers had ever come up with.
However, others joined the discussion saying that the problem wasn’t Moore’s character solely — the same thing in fact happened to all the female leads in there. Another viewer pointed out that the rest of the women on the show prove to be nothing more than just walking stereotypes. The fan even tried to plead with Taylor Sheridan, the showrunner.
“Taylor, not every woman has to be a girl boss or hot girl summer. Please allow the female characters in the show to show a bit of change and agency instead of serving as, essentially, props for the male characters to play off of or as eye candy for male viewers,” said Redditor RVFVS117.
Landman’s return with Season 2 has not been made official yet, but the show’s starts have already hinted that there are plans for a second chapter.