Sister Wives: Kody’s Ex-Wife Puts Robyn to Shame in Shocking Clash
Sister Wives star Kody Brown has Robyn Brown as his one and only wife, but he can’t get away from his three ex-wives even if he wanted to, as the TLC show throws them together again. But this time it is different, and many think Robyn will end up regretting staying with Kody.
Sister Wives: Kody Brown Gets a Nod, But Not Robyn Brown
Many Sister Wives fans thought Christine Brown was best suited for Kody Brown. But he didn’t see it that way.
So, he threw away the love of three women to make Robyn his one and only. But after a couple of years with his monogamous marriage under his belt, one ex-wife comes back to bite him. And unintentionally put Robyn Brown to shame as well.

Kody Brown gained a reputation, one that fans believe will likely never get him a husband of the year award. The Sister Wives fans also suggest a father of the year award for Kody is likely not within his reach.
But Kody is up for an award, one that would make him royalty of reality TV. But Robyn Brown was overlooked as another Sister Wives star also got a nod for the female category of the same award Kody is up for.
Robyn Overlooked, But Not Kody
Much like the king and queen of the prom, Christine Brown and her ex-shared husband are up for Queen and King of Reality Show Celebs. Kody is nominated for the “Reality King” award. The award comes under the category of “Reality Royalty”.
His ex-wife competes for “Reality Queen” in the same royal category. The King and Queen nominations, dubbed “prestigious”, come as the top awards ARTAS offers.
So, on November, 18, 2024, fans of reality shows will vote for the winners when the 11th Annual American Reality TV Awards rolls out. The viewers’ votes decide the winners.
So, it looks like Kody goes to the reality show prom with Christine, as ARTAS overlooked Robyn Brown.
Sister Wives: Christine About to Put Her Ex-Co-Wife to Shame?
Sister Wives fans think Kody’s ex is about to put Robyn Brown to shame just for being nominated. Christine blew the family wide open with a hole big enough for all three original wives to crawl out of.
Sister Wives fans see her as the wife who pioneered the demise of Kody Brown’s polygamous marriage. And what after what she did with her life since that time, well, fans think she deserves an award.
She left the dismal behind and created a happy new chapter in her life, one where she will never play second fiddle to another woman.
On the other hand, Kody’s nomination comes after some awful behavior demonstrated by this shared husband and father of 18. So, while Kody may win King, and Christine may win Queen, the reasons behind their nominations are extremely opposite.
Christine is celebrated for seeing the worth within herself and leaving the man with ringlets. But Kody has his despicable behaviors to thank for his nomination. Then there’s Robyn Brown, the woman who stayed with him as he treated her fellow Sister Wives ladies the way he did.
Then out pops this ex-wife, celebrated for not putting up with it and finding a life. So Sister Wives fans think the awards celebrating Christine’s actions of breaking away and starting a new life, throws Robyn Brown into a shameful spotlight by staying.
All fans suspect that Robyn will get out of Kody after this awards venue is not something with bragging rights. Robyn may see her husband win for his horrendous behavior. After all, that is what made him so popular on their TLC reality show.