
Yellowstone Fans Blindsided By Jimmy’s Big News

For those wondering what happened to Jimmy, an official post on Yellowstone’s Instagram account might have just revealed all.

The last time we saw Jimmy, he was leaving behind the Yellowstone ranch for good to head back to Texas. He’d been shipped off to the famous 6666 ranch as part of John’s great plot to make him a man.

While there, the ranch hand met and fell in love with resident vet Emily, and the two later revealed they were engaged. The rest of the Yellowstone crew bid Jimmy one last emotional goodbye, and it looked like we’d never see him again.

Kathryn Kelly as Emily and Jefferson White as Jimmy in Yellowstone

However, by the end of Season 5 Part 1, things were poised for a reunion. Rip and half the crew were headed down to Texas to preserve their cattle through winter. With Jimmy also in the Lone Star State, it seemed likely they’d run into each other.

Various behind-the-scenes images have since confirmed this, but the latest one actually includes a clue that tells us what Jimmy’s been up to since we last saw him. Needless to say, he’s a married man now.

In the Instagram post, Jimmy actor Jefferson White can be seen posing in his 6666 uniform. Eagle-eyed fans will spot what looks like a wedding ring on his hand. All this suggests that Jimmy and Emily didn’t wait long after their Texan return before getting hitched.

Yellowstone Instagram post about Jimmy

Jimmy’s development has been one of the most admirable in the entire show. Not many of Taylor Sheridan’s characters get to be the good guy, but Jimmy’s naive ways and growing resolve made him a fan favorite.

It was sad to see him go when he left for the road, but fans should feel all the better for knowing he’s well and truly happy.

When the 6666 spinoff rolls around, we should be seeing plenty more of Jimmy and Emily. Until then, Yellowstone returns on November 10 on the Paramount Network.

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